Winter chicken house lighting and temperature and humidity m

Jun 29, 2018

The small climate of chickens has a great impact on the health and productivity of laying hens, especially in the winter, and should improve and create good microclimate conditions to ensure that laying hens are healthy
The optimum temperature should be 13 ℃ ~ 23 ℃, the optimum temperature is 16 ℃ ~ 20 ℃, near the ceiling and the temperature near the ground does not exceed 2.5 ℃ ~ 3.0 ℃, near the wall and the middle of the house The temperature difference does not exceed 3 ℃. Can take the closure of the closure of the window, set the wind barrier, whitewashing the wall, ceiling plus insulation materials, increase the feeding density, the use of multi-layer cage, hay bedding and other measures to achieve the purpose of insulation.
Humidity in the requirements of the requirements of the temperature, to ensure that the relative humidity of 50 %% ~ 60%. Try to compress the amount of water inside. Strengthen the house insulation, do not let the temperature down to zero below, to prevent water vapor condensation. Ground bedding hay and dry in time. Timely removal of sewage within the feces. To ensure that the ventilation system is good, timely discharge of excess water vapor.
Light winter sunshine time is short, the solar radiation intensity is small, should be added to the artificial light, improve egg production. Chicken's eggs are long daylight, so every day from 19 weeks of age 10 hours of light, and then increased by half an hour a week to 31 weeks of age up to 16 hours, after the last. So far away from the chicken house light is not less than 10 grams of grams is appropriate, to the vicinity of the trough to 20 is appropriate. Can be set to adjust the transformer, so that the lights in the switch when the gradual darkening of the process can also be installed time switch (copper timer switch clock), adjust the early opening and closing time of automatic control, so that management more convenient.

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