Broiler cage temperature control matters

Jun 06, 2019
Broiler cage temperature control matters
Chicken broiler chickens are simple to say and have a lot of operational details, especially the temperature control of the chicken houses throughout the year.
1. Place the thermometer (height and quantity) reasonably. In the standardized chicken house, the length and width of the house are large. The temperature in the house or the north and south sides of the house is inconsistent. It should be noted that the thermometer is placed reasonably, and a thermometer is placed in the east, middle and west of the house. Get the average temperature in the house.
Broiler cage temperature control matters
2, summer cooling measures (wet curtain). In the summer, the temperature in the house can be lowered by the wet curtain. At the same time, the opening time of the wet curtain should be taken to avoid the temperature in the house or the temperature in the house is inconsistent, causing the chicken to catch a cold.
3. Temperature control in autumn. The temperature difference between day and night in autumn is large, and the temperature inside the house should be adjusted to avoid the phenomenon of high and low temperature.
4, winter insulation. In winter, the temperature in the house is raised by heating or by a blower.

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