Chicken cage chicken season change notice

Sep 30, 2019
The temperature and humidity of each season are different all year round. Have you taken relevant measures in the following aspects?
Chicken cage chicken season change notice
Reducing stress: Excessive sound, shifting, and weather changes are a bad stimulus for chickens, often causing disease. Avoid unnecessary chicken catching and disturbing during the broiler cage.
Temperature control: The appropriate temperature can give the benefit of the broiler cage of the feed. If the temperature is too low, it will cause respiratory diseases and death of the chicken.
Pay attention to the humidity of the cage and keep it dry. When drinking and feeding, be careful not to let the broiler spread the water and the feed. The broiler cage should pay special attention to the dryness and cleanness of the litter.
Of course, you should observe the chicken's reaction during the usual breeding process. If there is any adverse reaction, it should be treated immediately, and appropriate preventive measures should be taken to clean the chicken cage and reduce the bacteria.

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