What is the internal temperature of the laying hen cage?

May 16, 2019
What is the internal temperature of the laying hen cage? For the internal temperature of the hen cage, we have to adjust it. How many degrees should we adjust? Let me explain the internal temperature of the hen cage.
The most suitable ambient temperature for laying eggs is 13 to 25 °C. When the temperature exceeds 30 ° C, the chicken body is difficult to dissipate heat, the appetite is reduced, and the feed intake is small. Long-term high temperature will destroy the nutritional balance of the chicken body, causing metabolic changes, which will weaken the thyroid function of the chicken, resulting in insufficient calcium and reducing the ability of the eggshell to form in the uterus. At the same time, due to the hot weather, the chickens breathe and breathe, and the body's carbonic acid increases, which also hinders the absorption and utilization of calcium. In this summer, the chicken body should be cut, the wing feathers should be used as a fan, and the ventilation inside the house should be strengthened. In addition, feeding chicken with 0.5% to 1.5% baking soda can increase the strength of the eggshell and greatly reduce the thin soft shell eggs. Conversely, when the temperature is below 5 °C, the feed intake of the chicken is reduced and the eggshell is also thinned. Therefore, 0.5% to 1% of paprika should be added to the diet to increase the heat of the chicken, improve the cold resistance, and carry out artificial heating.
The above is what the internal temperature of the laying hen cage should be. I hope that I can help you. If you want to know more, you can continue to pay attention to our website, or you can contact us and we will answer for you.


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