Feeding Knowledge
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  • What chicken equipment does the chicken farm need?

    Jun 29, 2018

    Many want to do chicken farms want to know, what new equipment to do a chicken farm, how to build a reasonable house?

    First. Cages

    (1) Assembly of cages: A single cage is assembled in the form of a cage.
    Full ladder cages: upper and lower layers of the cage is completely staggered, common for the 2-3 layer. Its advantages are: cage at the end of the need to set the fecal, such as fecal pit can also be no fecal system; simple structure; each layer cage ventilation and light surface. Disadvantages are: covers an area of ​​large, low feeding density, equipment investment more.
    Semi-ladder cages: upper and lower layers of cage overlap 1 / 4-1 / 2, the lower part of the overlap above the installation of a certain angle of the fecal plate. Its ventilation effect than the whole ladder is poor, but the feeding density is higher.
    Overlapping cages: upper and lower layers of cage completely overlap, common 3-4 layers, high up to 8 layers, feeding density greatly improved. Its advantages are: high utilization of chicken coop, excellent production efficiency. Disadvantages are: chicken coop construction, ventilation equipment, clear fecal equipment requires a higher, not easy to observe the flock, management difficulties.
    Single layer of flat: cage top net in the same level, although the feeding density, chicken house utilization rate, but no obvious cage group points and lanes, management and feeding difficulties.
    (2) breeding cages: generally use 2-3 layers of overlapping or semi-ladder cage.
    (3) kinds of cages: chicken cage with a single layer of cage and two layers of artificial insemination cages. The former for the male and female cage with natural mating. The latter is often used for artificial insemination of the chicken farm, the original breeder farm into
    It is also possible to use a pure line for individual egg production.

    Second drinking water equipment
    Drinking water equipment includes water pumps, water towers, filters, limit valves, drinking fountains and piping facilities. Common types of drinking fountains are:

    (1) long-shaped sink: its advantages are simple structure, low cost, easy to drink water immune. The disadvantage is that the water consumption is large, vulnerable to contamination, brushing the workload.
    (2) vacuum drinking fountains: its advantages are balanced water supply, easy to use. The disadvantage is that the cleaning workload is large and can not be used when drinking water is large.
    (3) nipple type drinking fountains: the advantage is not only save water, but also conducive to epidemic prevention, and do not need regular cleaning and replacement. The disadvantage is that each layer of cage are required to set the decompression tank,
    Not conducive to drinking water immunity, material and manufacturing accuracy requirements are higher.
    (4) cup drinking fountains: the advantage is based on the amount of water supply, saving water. The disadvantage is that the cup must be cleaned regularly, and need to be equipped with filters and water pressure adjustment device.
    (5) hanging plate drinking fountains: the advantages of saving water, easy to clean. The disadvantage is to adjust the height of the drinker according to the different growth stages of the flock.

    Third feeding equipment
    Including the storage tower, feeding machine, feeder and feed the four parts. The storage tower is usually located at one or the side of the house, and the feed is fed from the feeder to the feed tank.

    (1) chain plate feeder: generally used in raising and a variety of cage into a chicken coop.
    (2) spiral spring-type feeder: widely used in the flat into a chicken coop.
    (3) plug disc feeder: a feeding machine can be 2-3 for the chicken house for feeding. But the plug disk or cable break, repair the trouble and the installation of high technical requirements.
    (4) feeding trough: flattened into the chicken more. Can be made large, medium and small size of the long trough.
    (5) feeding barrel: the modern chicken industry commonly used feeding equipment.
    (6) bucket feed trucks and lane-type feeding vehicles: more for multi-storey cages and overlapping cage homes.

    Fouth clear manure equipment:

    (1) traction scraper: generally by the tractor, scraper, frame, wire rope, steering pulley, wire rope and other components. Mainly used for the same plane one or more dung ditch clear manure, adjacent two manure within the feces manure by the wire rope connected. Can also be used for upstairs downstairs linkage clear manure. The machine structure is relatively simple, easy maintenance, but the wire rope is easily broken by chicken manure.
    (2) conveyor clear feces: commonly used in high-density overlapping cage clear manure, stool by the bottom of the net gap directly on the conveyor belt, you can save the congee and dung ditch. The use of high-beded chicken coop, chicken manure directly fall into the pit, a year later to clean up the fecal, very easy.


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