What do you need to prepare for chick chicken ?

Jun 06, 2019
Learning feeding techniques: In the past, the breeding techniques of raising chickens and raising equipment for raising chickens were different. Feeding techniques are very important. Only by mastering scientific and reasonable breeding techniques can the chickens be better raised and the chickens can be raised. It can exert good growth and production performance and improve the efficiency for the farmers. Therefore, whether it is a novice farmer or a farmer who has just used aquaculture equipment to raise chickens, they should learn the breeding techniques of using chickens for breeding equipment.
Purchase of breeding equipment: a variety of farming equipment, each equipment can help farmers to complete different jobs, so farmers can choose the breeding equipment according to their actual conditions and needs, in order to improve efficiency for the chicken farm, Reduce the labor intensity of farmers.
What do you need to prepare for chick chicken ?
The following describes the role of several major farming equipment:
Chicken coop is the method of raising chickens that most farmers choose now. The cages are multi-caged cages, which can increase the number of chickens and the utilization rate of the houses.
Feeding equipment: Multi-layer cage manual feeding is time-consuming and laborious, so many farmers will choose to use feeding equipment to feed automatically. The feeding equipment can ensure the feeding amount of each cage chicken, feeding evenly and better. Keep the uniformity of the flock and adjust the feeding amount to save trouble.
Dyeing equipment: use the manure equipment to treat the manure of the chicken house, which can realize unmanned management, automatically clear the manure, set the time arbitrarily, and temporarily remove the manure. The operation is simple and quick, and the chicken manure runs along with the manure machine. The end falls into the septic belt and is sent to the pull truck to pull away, which can improve the environment inside the house and reduce the occurrence of diseases.
Drinking water equipment: Drinking water equipment is an essential equipment for killing chicken farms. Because chickens are not water-deficient, there are many types of drinking water equipment, such as nipple type, cup type, tower type, trough type, etc., to save water and prevent bacterial pollution. From the point of view, the nipple drinker is the ideal water supply device.
Fan wet curtain: Fan wet curtain Two kinds of equipment is called the ventilation cooling equipment of the chicken house. As long as it is a chicken house that uses chicken cages to raise chickens, it is necessary to use fan equipment and wet curtain equipment for ventilation and cooling work. Mechanical ventilation, good ventilation, and rapid cooling can create a comfortable environment for the flock.

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