Rearing chickens not profitable?No, it's your method wrong

May 19, 2018

Many people rushed into the rearing chicken industry lost money. Why some people raise chickens can make money but you lost money? That’s because you missed their creativity. Here look at how the farmer made 500,000 per year.

 Rearing chickens not profitable?No, it

If you want to raise chickens to make money, not only need to feed chickens well, the key point is intelligent raising chickens, automatic feeding and automatic water feeding, egg collection, processing and chicken manure cleaning. The conveyor belts and modern production equipment have replaced the labor, save much labor.



Automated production and closed management not only improve work efficiency, but also can reduce the frequency and time of workers contact with the chicken house, reduce the risk of infection by external bacteria that may be brought by humans, and ensure the safety of chickens and eggs.

 Rearing chickens not profitable?No, it


The traditional chicken farms, pungent chicken feces can be smelled across a long distance. The intelligent raising chickens almost no smell can be smelled around the chicken house, Thanks to the automatic chicken hopper and cleaning manure system.


In the intelligent chicken house, chicken waste can be cleaned in timely. The collected chicken waste will be initially fried, dehydrated and deodorized, and become organic fertilizer raw materials, then you can sell them to make money.



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