Characteristics of galvanized lead wire cage

Jun 06, 2019
The galvanized lead wire cage is an ecological grid structure, which is made of high corrosion resistance, high strength and ductility. It is made of low carbon steel wire 2.0mm-4.0mm coated PVC and mechanically woven.
The edge line diameter of the galvanized lead wire cage is generally larger than the wire diameter of 0.5 mm-1.0 mm. The double-wire stranded portion is generally twisted to ensure that the metal plating and the PVC coating of the stranded steel wire are not damaged.
The double-disc galvanized lead wire cage is produced in one molding. Except for the cover plate, the side plate, the end plate and the bottom plate are inseparable. Length/Width Tolerance (±5%) Height tolerance (±5%), separated by a partition into separate units every 1 meter.
Assembly method: cover plate, side plate, end plate and bottom plate are separately assembled and assembled into cages, and each part is bundled with spiral steel wire. All the side wires of the cage are made of thick wire to strengthen the strength of the cage. Good combination: easy to process and transport, can be bundled into various shapes according to design requirements, adapt to the shape of hillsides, beaches and embankments.
Characteristics of galvanized lead wire cage
The galvanized lead wire cage is mainly used to control and guide rivers and floods, prevent water and soil loss, the structure can be used for slope support, foundation pit support, mountain rock face hanging net shotcreting, slope planting (greening), and can also be made. The stone cages and stone cages are used for anti-scour protection of rivers, dams and seawalls, as well as reservoirs and river closures.
The application of the ecological grid structure and the protection of the river bank and its embankment are very successful examples. It fully exploits the advantages of the stone cage network and the Gebin network, and achieves the ideal effect that other methods cannot achieve.
Advantages of galvanized gabbin cage:
(1) Economy. Simply put the stone in the cage and seal it.
(2) The construction is simple and does not require special technology.
(3) It has strong ability to withstand natural damage and corrosion and weather resistance.
(4) It can withstand a wide range of deformations without still collapsing.
(5) The silt between the cracks of the cage stone is conducive to plant production and can be integrated with the surrounding natural environment.
(6) It has good permeability and can prevent damage caused by hydrostatic force.
(7) Saving transportation costs. It can be folded for transport and assembled on the job site.
Galvanized Gebin Cage Use:
(1) Control and guide rivers and floods (2) Flood dams and diversion dams
(3) Rock fall protection
(4) Prevent water and soil loss
(5) Bridge protection
(6) Solid soil structure
(7) Waterfront defense project
(8) Port Engineering
(9) retaining wall
(10) Road protection

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