Is it better to stock chicken than caged chicken?

Jun 06, 2019
The difference in farming methods will directly affect the taste of poultry. Nowadays, the two common forms of raising chickens are small-sized free-range and farm cages. What is the difference between chickens raised in these two ways?
First of all, the appearance of the chicken is definitely better to look at, the feathers are compact, neat and generous, because it is free to move, unlike the cage chickens are trapped in a cage every day. The feathers of caged chickens are looser, but because they are often "fighting", they are easy to get tired.
Is it better to stock chicken than caged chicken?
Tenderness: Because the chickens are walking around the whole day, they will lose weight, have less fat, have tight muscles, and have chewy food, but the tenderness cage raises chickens higher.
Flavor: The chicken is more flavorful, because it eats more natural food, there are grasses and insects, corn, and rice. However, if the chickens eat too much garbage, it will also affect the flavor. The feed for cage chickens is artificially prepared, and if properly formulated, the flavor will not be bad.
Storage: cage chicken can be artificially added with nutrients, so storage is better.
Safety: caged chickens are on the farm, and the farms have standardized sanitation and epidemic management, so they are safer than stocking chickens.
In general, stocking chickens is healthier and better to eat, more in line with today's people's pursuit of "natural, healthy" attitudes to life, but it is only suitable for niche consumption, while cage chickens, because of large-scale factory farming, Therefore, the cost is much lower, and it is more suitable for mass consumption of fast-paced people.

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