Large-scale equipment to raise chickens

Jul 12, 2019
So far, the scale of the cage-chicken laying farm has been close to the scale, farmers' breeding development direction is only divided into two roads: one is the scale of the chicken farm, the second is the characteristic of the chicken farm. Layer cage chicken equipment scale chicken farm advantages are many, small make up the following points.
Large-scale equipment to raise chickens
Must chicken take the road of large - scale? What are the advantages of large-scale chicken raising?
1. Ability to resist risks: according to the current egg market, the annual profit of 10,000 laying hens is about 400,000 yuan; And 100 thousand feather broiler chicken, a year's revenue is two or three million magnitude. This level of chicken farmers, even with a relatively poor situation, or a large outbreak, the basic can also carry the past.
2. Standardization brought by scale: with the large scale of chicken raising, it is unrealistic to rely on human management, and the chaotic and unrefined management mode cannot be managed. In this case, the standard procedures for raising chickens have been improved, immunization, feeding and medication have been refined, and the coop has more automated equipment. These all contribute to the healthy growth of chickens and reduce the risk of raising chickens.
3. Cost advantage: standardized chicken raising process can greatly reduce the possibility of disease in chickens, thus reducing the drug cost. At the same time, greater use of feed, vaccines and veterinary drugs will also help improve chicken farmers' bargaining power and obtain greater discounts and concessions when purchasing these essential products.
4. Financing ability: if small chicken farms want to obtain development funds, they may not approve of you if they seek bank loans. But if you have a chicken farm of a certain size, people in financial institutions might come to you and ask for a loan. Adequate funds for chicken farmers to resist the risk of greater development and other impact
5. Subsidies and policy support: the reason why the above layer stock 10,000 and broiler annual stock 100,000 feather as a scale of low standards, because to achieve this standard will have the opportunity to get chicken subsidies. In addition, for local regulatory agencies, small chicken farms do not look good to you, you will not be allowed to find a reason not to let you raise. But the big chicken farms, they not only dare not touch you, but also give you all kinds of policy support, in the hope that you take the villagers around you to get rich together.
These are the five advantages of large-scale chicken farming. Although now a lot of small chicken farmers insist that scale is not necessarily good, but this is the industry's development trend, do not draw close to this stage of chicken farmers, I am afraid not to adhere to a few years.

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