Summer chicken should pay attention to which

Jul 12, 2019
The change of seasons has a great impact on raising chickens. Inappropriate ways of raising chickens will seriously hinder the production of chickens and the economic benefits of farmers. There are many things that need to be paid attention to in random changes of seasons, especially in summer.
1, reduce energy feed
Summer chicken should pay attention to which
In summer, hens enter into the peak of egg production. In order to obtain good economic benefits, attention must be paid to timely adjust the nutritional composition of chicken feed to ensure the perfection and adequacy of various nutrients in the diet. Practice has proved that temperature is closely related to the feed intake of chickens, and like all poultry, chickens are "fed according to energy". Therefore, the adjustment of chicken feed composition must follow the following principles:
As summer temperature gradually increases, if the high-energy feed during the overwintering period continues to be fed, the layer will gain weight, thus affecting the egg production rate. The scientific approach is to reduce the proportion of the diet that includes cereals such as corn.
2. Boost protein levels
Hens need to consume more protein during egg laying, and its consumption is related to the egg production rate of the chicken, so the protein raw material in the chicken feed should be increased according to the increase of the egg production rate of the chicken. The method is to add high quality fish meal and soybean cake in the diet, and reduce the miscellaneous meal as much as possible.
3. Increase mineral content
Hen eggs on calcium requirements increase, such as the lack of calcium in the chicken feed, egg shell quality will be affected, thereby increasing the damage of eggs, serious eggs will cause soft shell eggs, no shell eggs. Lack of phosphorus, like lack of calcium, also causes discomfort in layers, such as pica, pecking, anal pecking, egg pecking, etc. Therefore, once the layer is found to have indigestion, loss of appetite, weight loss and other phenomena, we should find out the reason and increase the content of mineral additives in the diet accordingly.
Take vitamins
Especially vitamin D, when the diet is deficient for a long time, the egg production of laying hens will decline, the shell will become soft and thin, and the absorption of calcium will be seriously affected. When the chicken lays more eggs, its vitamin consumption also increases, so it can be appropriate to feed some green feed, at the same time increase the amount of multidimensional element in the chicken feed.

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