Disinfection of chicken coop and equipment

Jul 12, 2019
Many farmers by the traditional thought control, seriously neglected the chicken house and disinfection process, resulting in ineffective prevention and control of chicken flock disease, chicken farm disinfection is to prevent the spread of chicken flock disease, so chicken farm disinfection is not negligible key process, effectively cut off the infectious way and pathogens, so as to promote the healthy growth of the chicken flock.
Cleaning and cleaning
In chickens sold or transferred out after, we should pick up chicken manure, bedding, etc., the hen house should be thoroughly clean and fresh, and the appliances such as washing sink, wall with lime water scrub, rinse carefully cleaned, and meticulous, according to certain order, usually sweep before washing, ceiling wall after the ground first, from the barn distal to the door, after the first indoor environment, leave no dead Angle, thoroughly cleaning and cleaning carefully, not only can remove 80% ~ 90% of pathogens, and can greatly reduce the amount of waste and other organic matter, is conducive to play the role of chemical disinfectants.
Disinfection of chicken coop and equipment
Chemical disinfection
Disinfection of empty houses generally requires the use of 2-3 different types of disinfectant disinfection 2-3 times. Sterilizing only once or using only one disinfectant cannot achieve the purpose of thorough disinfection, because different pathogens have different sensitivity to different disinfectants. The first disinfection can be alkaline disinfectant, such as with 1% ~ 4% caustic soda or 10% lime milk paint the ground, wall, appropriate concentration caustic soda solution can also be used for spray disinfection; For the second time, phenol or oxidant (peracetic acid) can be used for spray disinfection; The third time with formaldehyde fumigation disinfection. Available heating or oxidation method fumigation, the use of oxidation method to calculate the disinfection volume,1 m3 with 42 mL formalin, 21 g potassium permanganate, oxidation disinfection to close doors and Windows, heating to 20 ℃, relative humidity of 70% above, the role of 7 ~ 24 h.
With disinfection
With a thorough and comprehensive chicken spray disinfection, not only can directly kill the pathogenic microorganisms hidden in the air in the chicken house, but also can directly kill the chicken body surface, respiratory tract superficial retained pathogens. It has good preventive effect on maric's disease, infectious bursa, Newcastle disease, bacterial diseases such as staphylococci disease, escherichia coli disease, salmonellosis, mycoplasma, etc., especially for preventing infectious rhinitis, mycoplasma disease and other respiratory diseases. With chicken disinfection methods: chicks with chicken disinfection for the first time not less than 7 days of age, sterilization time can be again according to the pollution within the birdhouse, generally in the brood stage (42 days of age before) to 1 times a week, the incubation period 1 times 7 ~ 10 d, 10 d into poultry for 1, 1 times/d, as occurred after purging waste will take poultry disinfection, spray amount calculated at 15 mL/m3, close the doors and Windows. Use concentration of disinfectant: xinjiermin 0.1%; Peroxyacetic acid, 0.2% at young stage, 0.3% at mature stage and adult bird. Sodium hypochlorite 0.2% ~ 0.3%; Compound phenol (bacteriotoxin enemy), breeding stage 1:300, breeding stage and adult poultry 1:250. In addition, preventing heat, providing humidity, purifying the air and improving the environment of the chicken coop also benefit the health of the breeding staff.

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