How to deal with the odor in the air of a fully automatic ch

May 19, 2018

When we are dealing with the peculiar smell of the automatic chicken raising equipment, what way do we need to do the odor treatment? Let's talk about the automatic chicken raising equipment and how to deal with the peculiar smell in the air below.

1 padding deodorization

Mixing the sulfur into the padding can make the pH value of the cushion less than 7, which can inhibit the generation and emission of ammonia in the stool, reduce the ammonia content in the air of the chicken house, and reduce the odor of ammonia. The concrete method is to mix the ground with 0.5 kilograms of sulphur per square meter in the mat and paving the ground.


2 ground odor absorption

1 layers of calcium superphosphate are sprinkled on the ground in the chicken house. SSP can react with ammonia produced in chicken manure, and produce odorless solid ammonium phosphate, which can reduce ammonia emission and reduce odor in chicken house feces. The specific method is to evenly sprinkle 350 grams of Calcium Superphosphate on the ground of every 50 chickens.


3 air deodorization

Use of charcoal, activated carbon, coal cinder, lime and other adsorptive substances to adsorb the air in the air. Method is the use of bag loaded charcoal suspension properly sprinkle some activated carbon, coal cinder, lime in the henhouse or on the ground, could significantly eliminate the odor in the air.

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