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  • How to reduce egg breaking rate?Is it the cheaper the bette

    May 19, 2018

    Chicken equipment is generally a whole, it is composed of different parts, and these parts are very important.If the lack of a certain part, it can not be a complete chicken equipment. Its main components are mainly poultry feeding system, egg collecting system, automatic cleaning system, etc., especially for chicken equipment, these three are very important, but also indispensable.Chicken equipment is generally a whole, it is composed of different parts, and these parts are very important.If the lack of a certain part, it can not be a complete chicken equipment. Its main components are mainly poultry feeding system, egg collecting system, automatic cleaning system, etc.,

    especially for chicken equipment, these three are very important, but also indispensable.

    Now generally large and medium-sized farmed chicken farmers will buy intelligent egg-collecting machine, the use of egg-collecting machine can reduce the labor force of farmers, but increased labor efficiency, so as to achieve the effect of cost savings.

       Egg-making machine is a large-scale laying hen farms essential equipment, egg-collecting machine main function is to transfer eggs from a cage to a place together, so that workers do not pick up the eggs ran around, from a place Picking it, and set egg machine has the advantage that it can reduce the rate of broken egg. The main reason why the egg-collecting machine can help reduce the rate of broken chicken equipment.The reason is as below:

    This is because during the collection and delivery of the eggs, the eggs move parallel and roll, and the soft eggs can not roll due to their soft skin. Therefore, accumulation often occurs at the exit of the egg collecting machine, thus preventing the normal Egg passed. In order to solve this problem, before the egg into the egg collection machine, set the soft egg removal device. Eggs delivered from the egg cages get soft eggs and broken eggs before they enter the egg collector to avoid the above situation.


    Eggs come out from the egg collecting machine, roll straight to the central egg line, due to the eggs have a certain angle, resulting in the rolling process of eggs in the impact of the collision each other, resulting in broken eggs. Therefore, the eggs in the chicken equipment egg machine egg outlet and the central egg laying egg connection set at the bypass device. So eggs from the egg collecting machine roll gently to the center of the eggs in order to arrange the egg line, the eggs do not collide with each other, from the chicken egg collecting machine smoothly transition to the central egg transmission line, through the central egg transmission line Send the eggs to the egg store for grading.

       This will set eggs and eggs in the process of reducing the rate of egg breaking equipment, so chicken equipment picker eggs by farmers friends welcome.


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