what do we need to do to raise chickens in cages

Dec 18, 2019
Chickens in chicken cages can improve the utilization rate of the hen house, save feed and reduce costs. But during the breeding period, there are still many things that need our attention. So what do we need to do to raise chickens in cages?
1. Good chicken house management: Intensive, large-scale farmers should put chicken house management in an important position, whether it is the management of the chicken house environment or the chicken flock, including the management of chicken farm employees. Attention must be paid to the core issue of coordination. As long as it is handled properly, there will be fewer problems and no problems in implementation.
2. To be good at biological safety: As long as the health of the flocks is ensured, the flocks can perform their proper production functions. Therefore, during the breeding process of the farmers, the health of the flocks must be put in place, and the epidemic prevention must be in place. Strict disinfection and effective isolation , Kill flies and rats, all in and all out.
what do we need to do to raise chickens in cages
3. Improving chicken farm immunization: Immunization should pay attention to Newcastle disease, influenza, and transmission and immunity as early as possible. Blastocyst is more suitable for immunization in the hatchery. Immune effects are more reliable with eye drops, nose drops, subcutaneous injections and sprays. There are still many loopholes and problems in drinking water immunity, but many chicken farms are just used to drinking water immunity.
4. Do a good job of humidifying the brooding: The humidification in the early stage of brooding is a must. Chicken cages are humidified with a sprayer and fog line spraying warm water at about 60 degrees.
5. Do a good job of staff training: Most chicken farms now rely on many chicken farming equipment to control the environment of the chicken house and help complete the chicken farming work. However, if employees are not familiar with the equipment, the operation is not standard, or even the operation is wrong or wrong. If this is the case, it will seriously affect the control of the environment of the chicken house and the normal feeding and breeding work, so the farmers must overcome the problem by strengthening on-site training.
6, to do a good job of broiler chicken dehydration: for the broiler chicken breeder, the temperature of the whole chicken broiler dehydration standards must be strictly implemented, from about 35 degrees a day of age to about 40 degrees in 40 days or so, otherwise there is no good Growth rate and feed-to-meat ratio.
7. Good environmental protection work for chickens: Environmental protection must be paid attention to. Wastewater, soot, feces, sick and dead chickens must be handled strictly in accordance with regulations. Illegal laws will cause chicken farm operation risks.
8. Do standard medicines: standard medicines, scientific medicines, less medicines, eliminate drug residues, and implement food safety.

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