Qunkun tells you which equipments you need for one chicken h

May 21, 2018

Chicken equipment includes: heating equipment, ventilation equipment, water supply equipment, feeding equipment, egg collection equipment, cleaning equipment, cages, lighting equipment, etc., follow the small series today to learn more about these chicken-raising equipment!

 Qunkun tells you which equipments you need for one chicken h

1, heating equipment

As long as it can achieve the purpose of heating and heating, electric heating, water heating, coal stoves and other heating methods can be selected, but we must pay attention to the coal furnace heating dirty, and prone to gas poisoning, must add the chimney. When designing a house, consider thermal insulation.

2, ventilation equipment

Closed sheds must be mechanically ventilated. They can be divided into horizontal ventilation and vertical ventilation according to the airflow direction in the house. Lateral ventilation means that the air flow direction in the house is perpendicular to the long axis of the house, and vertical ventilation means that a large number of fans are concentrated at one place, so that the airflow in the house is parallel to the long axis of the house. The research practice in 1988 has proved that the vertical ventilation effect is good, and it can eliminate and overcome the phenomenon of small and uneven ventilation angle and wind speed in horizontal ventilation, and eliminate the cross-infection caused by horizontal ventilation. 

 Qunkun tells you which equipments you need for one chicken h

3, water supply equipment

From the perspective of water conservation and prevention of bacterial contamination, the nipple drinker is the best water supply equipment, and it is necessary to choose a quality watertight drinking fountain. Now the most common way to raise chickens and laying hens in cages is to use V-shaped sinks, which often use water to supply water, but it takes a lot of effort every day to scrub the sink. When you raise a brood, you can use a pylon type automatic drinker, which is both hygienic and water-saving.

4, feeding equipment

The main use of food trough, cage chickens are used long troughs, flat raising brooding can also use this way of feeding, can also be used bucket feeding. The shape of the trough has a great influence on the feeding of chicken feed. The trough is too shallow and there is no protection along the side of the trough

And others equipment will show you in the next time.


E-mail: amanda@qunkun.net 

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