What should you pay attention to in chicken cage farming!

Dec 13, 2019
Chicken cage breeding has brought convenience to the breeding of chickens, but when using it, there are the following points to pay attention to!
What should you pay attention to in chicken cage farming!
1. Ensure ventilation: With the enhancement of metabolism, the air requirements in the hen house are constantly updated to ensure the healthy growth of chickens systems. Ventilation equipment should be fully used, not open a small window around the upper part, using ventilation air convection method.
2. Keep it clean: As the chicken is accelerated during the growth and development process, excreta will continue to increase. It is necessary to remove ground feces to avoid bacterial infections and regular disinfection to avoid contamination by decay.
3. Reasonable lighting: fattening must be equipped with lighting equipment, and the lights are turned on to ensure uniform and normal drinking water to promote digestion, absorption and development.

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Next:Let us understand the cleaning of the chicken cage


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