how to protect the digestive system of chicken

Nov 28, 2019
Explain how to protect the digestive system of chickens. For breeding work, it is necessary to ensure that their diet is good. Nowadays, most of the breeding is carried out in a caged way, which reduces the activity of the chickens and causes symptoms of indigestion. It will have a great impact on the digestive tract of the flock, and today we will explain how to protect the digestive system of chickens.
1. Prevent the mold from being mildewed
how to protect the digestive system of chicken
Farmers can add de-enzymatic preparations to the feed to reduce the risk of mycotoxins in the feed; farmers should regularly check the water quality of the chickens to prevent excessive levels of harmful bacteria such as E. coli and reduce the incidence of intestinal diseases.
2. Reduce environmental stress
The high temperature and low temperature in the house, weather and seasonal changes, or the intensity of light and time changes can cause stress in the flock, resulting in non-pathological diarrhea in the flock. Here, the breeding equipment manufacturers need to remind the farmers that the chicken biliary farmers should not only prevent the sudden changes in the environment of the chicken house, but also prevent the external environment from stressing the chickens.
3. Mix the ingredients evenly
In the brooding stage of the flock, it is necessary to ensure the feeding of balanced nutrients and easy to digest and absorb the pellets; in the feed transition stage, attention should be paid to the gradual transition of nutrients, especially the transition between the pre-production period and the peak of egg production and the young chickens. The transition of soybean meal between the expected date of birth.
4. Prevention of coccidiosis and the occurrence of bacterial enteritis during the brooding period
Coccidiosis can be administered after the 15th day of the chick. If symptoms of intestinal coccidia and cecal coccidiosis occur, in order to prevent mixed necrotic enteritis or secondary necrotic enteritis, coccidiosis and enteric medicine must be simultaneously use.
The above is the broiler cage to explain to everyone about the health measures of the chicken digestive tract, we all need to pay attention.

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