Epidemic prevention management of chickens in broiler cages

Aug 13, 2019
The use of broiler cages brings convenience to the farmers and further improves the economic benefits of the farmers. However, when the farmers use the broiler cages for cultivation, they must customize a reasonable and reasonable chicken house quarantine system to properly raise the chickens. The health is also very secure, so the broiler cage manufacturers have summed up the necessary henhouse epidemic prevention system, and now share it with the farmers.
Epidemic prevention management of chickens in broiler cages
Infectious disease stress measures:
1. When a suspected infectious disease occurs in the flock, immediately take isolation measures and report to the animal husbandry and veterinary department and confirm the diagnosis as soon as possible.
2. When there are cases of severe infectious diseases or suspected strong infectious diseases on or near the scene, immediately block the blockade and report to the animal husbandry and veterinary department.
3. If an infectious disease occurs within the venue, report the disease report truthfully, and file the file after the end of the infection and report it to the animal husbandry and veterinary department.
4. Never transfer or sell infected chickens and healthy chickens before the release of the blockade.

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