What are the conditions for raising chickens using chicken equipment?

Aug 13, 2019
Chicken raising has always been a lot of users to increase profits, choose the rich project, and with the continuous development of the chicken industry, the emergence of various types of chicken equipment, chickens are becoming more and more large-scale, more and more relaxed, making many users They are all added to the chicken-raising equipment to raise chickens. So what are the basic problems to be learned when raising chickens using chicken equipment? What are the conditions? The following small series will tell the farmers.
What are the conditions for raising chickens using chicken equipment?
I. Feeding management technology: Many novice farmers have been raising chickens in the past. In fact, raising chickens also has the technology of raising chickens. The way to raise chickens is the key to the success of raising chickens. Chicken farm staff should have knowledge, professional knowledge, and management. Even the breeder should be a professional technician. Only in this way can the chicken farm create good economic benefits. The chicken farm adopts various methods such as expert guidance and personnel training to introduce and absorb technical or technical talents from various channels, improve the overall professional and technical level of the breeding management personnel, and adopt scientific feeding management methods to reduce production costs and improve product quality. Labor productivity is an effective way to solve the low level of technology.
Second, the investment: before raising chickens, farmers should pay attention to calculate the number of their own chickens, probably how much cost, have a budget to raise chickens, otherwise they do not know that they earned no money, although the chicken needs The funds are small, but the sites, chicken houses, utensils, employee wages and working capital for chicken production are indispensable. The investment in a chicken house and utensils for a laying hen is 20-30 yuan. The investment in land, chicken houses and appliances can be adapted to local conditions. It takes about 25 yuan to breed a laying hen. Therefore, the working capital of 30 yuan per chicken is more abundant.
3. Feeding chicken feed: In the process of raising chicken, feed is an important key to ensure the healthy growth and production of the flock. Therefore, the farmer must have sufficient feed source before raising the chicken. One laying hen is in a production cycle ( 72 weeks) 45-50 kg of compound feed is required; a broiler consumes 4-4.5 kg of feed from the time of entry to the market, 60%-70% of the consumed food belongs to grain, and 25%-30% belongs to agricultural and sideline products (bean cake) , peanut cake, rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake and other kinds of cakes and oysters), the remaining 5% -10% are mineral feed, animal feed and synthetic additives. The feed used in the breeding and production stages can be processed and prepared according to the requirements. The brooding materials are purchased at the finished product, and the places that should not be saved cannot be saved. The feed must be sufficient and the quality should be good to prevent mildew and deterioration. The finished material should not be stored for more than 3 weeks. Raw materials should not be stored for long periods of time, but they cannot be purchased without a place.
4. Choosing good chicken equipment: There are many kinds of chicken equipment. Different equipments can do different work, such as feeding, clearing, quail eggs and ventilation and cooling can be done by chicken equipment, in addition to the current breeding Households will choose to use chicken equipment to raise chickens, so farmers should understand the various types of chicken equipment and the characteristics of each equipment, and choose the equipment they need according to their actual conditions and needs.

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