How to clean the environment of the chicken farm

Aug 13, 2019
Nowadays, many farmers are paying more and more attention to the purification of chicken farm environment. Maintaining a comfortable and hygienic environment is not only conducive to the healthy growth of chickens, but also has a great effect on reducing pollution to the air and surrounding environment. It is in a environment with poor ambient air, many harmful gases, and temperature and humidity can not be guaranteed to grow and produce. Its performance will not be fully exerted. So how to purify the environment? Let's talk about the farmers.
How to clean the environment of the chicken farm
    1. Establish a strict management system: reduce the entry of non-production personnel and foreign vehicles into the production area, and the keeper shall prohibit the use of tools and tools. It is strictly forbidden to dissect dead chickens on the ground around the chicken house. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the production area without disinfection. All tools must be disinfected before entering the production area. Epidemic prevention supplies, including purchased vaccine packaging, must be strictly disinfected before entering the production area.
    2, regular disinfection: regular disinfection of chicken farm equipment chicken farm can effectively kill the pathogenic microorganisms in the chicken house, timely obstruct and cut off the disease transmission route, eliminate the source of infection, so regular disinfection is very important control There are many kinds of disinfection methods for environmental work. Farmers can't use only one type. They should be mixed and used. Also, pay attention to disinfectant drugs and use them to avoid drug resistance.
    3. Clean up the feces: the chickens will produce a lot of manure every day. If the farmers do not clean up in time, the ammonia in the chicken house will be seriously exceeded. In addition, the harmful gases such as carbon dioxide can seriously affect the health of the chickens, and the cleaned feces. It should be disposed of properly. If it is not well managed, it will cause pollution in the field and surrounding environment.
    4. Prepare some chicken equipment for controlling the environment: Many chicken houses are now closed. When controlling temperature and humidity and ventilation, it is recommended that farmers can prepare fans, wet curtains and warm stoves. To achieve the temperature and humidity management of the house and the management of ventilation, mechanized control can better achieve a comfortable environment and ensure that the flock can grow and produce in a comfortable environment.
    5, eliminate mosquitoes, flies and mice: the environment of the chicken farm is chaotic, and the smell of feces and other pollutants will be more unpleasant, will often be patronized by mosquitoes, flies and mice, these are good bacteria and infectious sources Source, so farmers must pay attention to eliminate fly maggots and rats and other animals; regularly place rodenticide around the house to eliminate mice. When placing the rodenticide, you should pay attention to the rat poison in the mouse hole, so as not to ingest other animals, the rodent medicine can not be placed in the chicken house.
    6. Greening: Conditional farmers can also choose to plant trees, plant grass, plant flowers, etc. in the extra space of the chicken farm area, and can green the environment of the chicken farm and purify the air.

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