Chickens in laying hen cages need to maintain intestinal balance

May 16, 2019
Chickens in the cages of the hens should maintain the balance of the intestines. How do I maintain the balance of the intestines? How do I give them to the chickens? Let me explain to you that the chickens in the cages should maintain the balance of the intestines. .
It not only supplements the beneficial bacteria in the body, but also maintains the balance of the flora in the intestines and ensures the health of the intestines. It also enhances chicken immunity and fights disease. In winter, the weather is getting colder and colder and the temperature is getting lower and lower. In order to keep warm and keep warm, the illumination during the laying period should be constant. Insufficient illumination, unstable or irregular will cause white eggshells to be produced, and artificial light should be kept. Stable, with scientific feed nutrition, can guarantee excellent shell color and egg production peak. Due to ageing of the chicken, drop of egg production, and changes in eggshells, the increase in nutritional drugs can be seen to improve, but the maintenance time is not long, and should be eliminated in time according to market conditions.
The above is the chicken in the cage of the egg to maintain the balance of the intestines. If you have any knowledge you don't understand, you can contact us. We will answer for you. Our manufacturers are complete in variety and affordable, and we will answer them for you. Welcome everyone to our factory to buy!


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