How to feed the chickens in the cages in winter

May 16, 2019
In the winter, how to feed the chickens in the cages? When we put the feed configuration inside the cages, how do we configure the feed? Let’s explain how to give the cages in winter. Chickens are configured for feed.
It is well known that winter egg hens will continue to thicken in order to survive the winter, so in order to ensure the growth and health of the laying hens, the nutrition of the feed must be comprehensive. Adjust the ratio of protein to carbohydrate in the diet. In the expected date of delivery, the protein in the feed should be kept at 16.0-16.5%. When the egg production rate reaches 50% or more, the protein in the feed should be reduced to 15.0-15.5. When the egg production peak is reached, the protein in the feed is raised to 15.5-16.5%, to ensure the protein needs of laying hens in winter. At the same time, due to large-scale and intensive farming, laying hens are not able to eat the required substances, but also pay attention to supplement minerals, various vitamins, trace elements and amino acid feed additives to provide nutrients for the formation and metabolism of chicken feathers. substance.
The above is how to feed the chickens in the cages in the winter. If you want to know more about our website, we will pay attention to our website. We will bring you more knowledge. We will give you an affordable price and look forward to working with you!


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