The reason why the eggshell under the chicken in the egg cage is whitish

May 16, 2019
The reason why the eggshell under the chicken in the cage is white is sometimes caused by the use of the egg cage. The eggshell is white, so what is the cause? Let’s explain the cage of the egg. The reason why the eggshell under the chicken is white.
First, seasonal white eggshell
In the summer, the temperature is high, the chicken body is difficult to dissipate heat, and a large amount of drinking water is used to accelerate the heat dissipation. In addition, the feed intake decreases, resulting in loss of nutrients and deficiencies. In addition, the heat caused by high temperature causes the carbon dioxide, bicarbonate ion concentration and carbonic anhydride in the blood. Decreased enzyme concentration weakens the ability of the eggshell to form in the reproductive tract, affects the quality of the eggshell and produces white shell eggs.
Second, nutritious white egg shell
White eggshell phenomenon can occur in the diet of the laying hens with insufficient supplementation of vitamins, minerals and calcium and phosphorus.
Third, pathological white eggshell
Chronic Newcastle disease, E. coli disease, egg drop syndrome, Pasteurellosis, etc. will obviously make the eggshell color lighter and whiter.
Fourth, stress white eggshell
Transfer group, epidemic prevention, and external disturbances will have a stress effect on chickens, resulting in decreased egg production, accompanied by lighter color, such changes will not last long, adjust the environment, eliminate external stress, increase the electrolytic multi-dimensional, white egg shell The phenomenon will disappear quickly.
The above is the reason why the eggshell under the chicken in the cage is white. We will give you an affordable price, quality products, of course, our products are guaranteed, please contact us! We sincerely look forward to working with you!

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