How to disinfect chicken house

Aug 13, 2019
    Generally, farmers should start disinfection in the week before they enter the chicken. In addition, the house should be allowed to enter the house for at least 2 weeks after disinfection and fumigation.
    1. Cleaning the house: Before disinfection, the farmer must first clean the house, and clean the surface to ensure better disinfection and disinfection, and remove the feces and debris scattered inside and outside the house. Remove the remaining feed and the unused feed should be discarded. The trough and the tank should be thoroughly cleaned, and the residual feed attached to the bottom and the four walls of the tank must be removed to avoid becoming a source of infection. The mobile device is removed from the house and cleaned, disinfected and exposed to sunlight. Moving the unsterilized equipment back to the house will destroy the disinfection effect of the house and lead to re-contamination.
How to disinfect chicken house
    2. Clean the house: There will be some dirt after cleaning the house, so it is necessary to clean the house, wash the ceiling, walls and windows with water to remove the attached dust. The splashed sewage and dirt are finally transferred to the place away from the chicken house and fermented as fertilizer, together with all the litter on the ground, litter scattered outside the chicken house, garbage in the feed room and weeds outside the house. Thoroughly wash the walls and equipment of the house with detergent-laden water for 2 hours, then use high-pressure water. The part that the device needs to wipe should be carefully wiped, and the dead corner or important parts should be brushed carefully if necessary.
    3. If the farmer disinfects the house in a humid environment, some disinfectants may remain in the house, so after disinfection, rinse with water. If the previously used fungicide is formaldehyde, it is re-fumigation. When fumigation is disinfected, the doors and windows should be closed. The commonly used fumigants are formalin and potassium permanganate. Apply insecticide to the cracks between the floor and the wall and the bottom of the column to ensure that the insects entering the house are killed. Close the house, put in fresh cages, litter and sanitized equipment, and close the house for 2-3 weeks.

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