How to raise chickens scientifically

Jun 11, 2019
Chicken raising is a traditional breeding project. Due to the continuous development of the chicken industry and the increasing demand for chicken eggs in the market, many users have joined the ranks of chickens. New breeders want to breed egg broilers. Need to be patient and patient, and to raise chickens scientifically, then how to raise chickens scientifically to improve economic efficiency.
How to raise chickens scientifically
First, develop a good production plan before raising chickens: Before starting to raise chickens, farmers need to consider a lot of questions, such as how to use them to raise chickens, how many chickens to raise, where to choose chicken farms, and during breeding. Feed purchase, epidemic prevention, disinfection, manure cleaning, etc., and then make plans, so as to ensure that when the chicken is started, it can be carried out in an orderly manner, and will not be in a hurry.
Second, the selection of chicken breeds: There are many varieties of chickens in our country. Farmers should consider them when they choose, according to the local market demand, climate and their own farming conditions. To consider raising chicken breeds, and then choose chickens when they are regular, high-level management, and advanced breeding chicken farms. Only professional chicken farm epidemic prevention work will be in place, and the quality of chickens will be guaranteed.
Third, choose a good chicken feed: the nutrition and quality of feed is an important factor to ensure the nutritional balance of the chickens, is the basis of the chicken industry, feed accounts for more than half of the cost of breeding, so it is necessary to choose high-quality feed to feed, improve feed Utilization rate, when the feed is selected, the farmer should formulate the feed according to the nutritional needs of the different growth stages of the flock, so as to ensure that the nutrition of the flock can reach the standard at each stage.
Fourth, improve the awareness of scientific chicken raising: farmers in the process of raising should pay attention to enhance their awareness of scientific chicken raising, recognize the importance of health and epidemic prevention work, for the majority of novice farmers to master scientific management and disease in advance The basic knowledge of prevention and control, as well as the knowledge of sanitation, breeding density, ventilation, lighting time, feed preparation, immunization and other aspects of the chicken house, constantly explore the breeding techniques, and regularly summarize the farming experience to promote the breeding industry. Healthy and rapid development.
5. Do a good job in raising environmental sanitation: In the daily feeding process, farmers should pay attention to strengthen the environmental control of chickens, regularly clean up debris and waste, and regularly disinfect to reduce the proportion of harmful gases such as ammonia and carbon dioxide in the house. In addition, before transporting the chicks to the house, pay attention to the drug spray disinfection of the house and the surrounding environment to ensure that the inside of the house is sterile, reduce the incidence of the disease, pay attention to ventilation, and pay attention to the temperature of the house. Control to keep the temperature within the proper range. If the temperature is too high, the relative humidity in the brooding room will decrease, thereby increasing the chance of chickens suffering from respiratory diseases.



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