Chicken farming technology

Jun 11, 2019
In the chicken industry, with the constant change and progress of the chicken-raising mode, the technology and feeding management of chicken raising should be changed to adapt to the new chicken-raising method. It has become more important. The new egg cage manufacturer Dajia Machinery has summed up several important practical techniques for raising chickens. Now it is for the farmers to share so that the farmers can learn and reference.
Chicken farming technology
First, choose the location of the chicken farm: the chicken raising method has evolved from the previous free-range maintenance to the current cage and intensive farming, so the choice of the environmental position of the chicken farm is very important, in the choice of the chicken farm location At this time, farmers should pay attention to stay away from factories and residential areas, and choose to build chicken farms in places with high water, good drainage and sufficient water supply.
Second, think of good sales before raising chicken: Although raising chicken can be profitable, but it must be on the premise of sales, so no matter how high the farmer's flock breeding, the quality is good, first of all, there must be sales. You can get the benefits before you can make money, so before raising the chicken, the farmers should pay attention to the demand for chicken eggs in the area. You can talk to some food factories or manufacturers who need chicken eggs, so that you can guarantee your own chickens. Have a sales.
Second, learn to prepare full-price feed: In order to achieve good performance in the growth of the flock, the body of the flock must achieve reasonable nutrition, so only the balanced chickens will play the growth performance of production. Bring better benefits to the farmers. When formulating the feed, the farmers should prepare or purchase according to the various nutrients needed in different growth stages, so that the chickens can reach the standard nutrition at each growth stage. .
Fourth, the development of disinfection procedures: the chicken house will have a variety of pathogenic microorganisms for long-term use, if the pathogenic microorganisms are not killed in time, it will seriously harm the health of the chickens. Disinfection is an effective means to kill pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, in the process of daily feeding and management, farmers should pay attention to customizing the reasonable disinfection method and degree. It is necessary to periodically disinfect the chicken house so that the house can ensure a safe and healthy environment at any time and reduce the disease of the chicken. may.
V. Customized immunization degree: Immunization is an effective way to prevent infectious diseases. It is a work that every farmer must carry out. Immunization is good, and it can avoid and reduce the occurrence of infectious diseases. High efficiency brings protection, so in the daily feeding process, it is necessary to formulate a good immunization program according to the epidemic situation of the disease and the actual situation of the chicken house, and choose a good immunization method. The farmers can refer to the article "" for understanding.
Sixth, pay attention to the accumulation of farming technology: in the process of daily feeding, farmers should learn to record, summarize, record the situation of the chickens, the problems that arise, slowly accumulate experience, but also humbly to experience farming The household learns farming techniques.

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