Precautions for chickens in chicken cages

Jun 11, 2019
Chicken cage chicken is a popular chicken raising method in the chicken industry. The chicken cage is made of multi-layer cages. The breeding density is large and the number is large. It is very popular among farmers. It is necessary to raise chickens in chicken cages. The precautions for raising chickens that farmers pay attention to only pay attention to the feeding points in all aspects. The scientific and reasonable breeding can raise the higher yield of the chickens. The following small series will tell the farmers about the chickens in the chicken cages. Precautions.
First, choose the appropriate chicken cage equipment: At present, the chicken cage equipment is divided into egg cages, broiler cages and brooding cages for raising chicks according to the varieties of egg broiler chickens and chicks. Farmers need to choose suitable chicken breeds according to their own breeds. The chicken cage equipment, in order to be able to purchase suitable cages, let the chickens grow and produce in a comfortable environment, in addition to pay attention to the quality of the chicken cage, we must choose a quality guaranteed, reputable manufacturers Purchase, in order to ensure the quality of the cage, to ensure the age of the cage.
Precautions for chickens in chicken cages
Second, pay attention to the work of disinfection of chicken houses: Nowadays, the breeding farms of many farmers are getting bigger and bigger, and the flow of people is also faster. Therefore, the breeding environment of chicken farms is also likely to become bad, and the pollution of various pathogens is becoming more and more serious. Many farmers may infect diseases and cause economic losses if they are not paying attention. Therefore, the farmers in the chicken farms must be carefully rooted in the awareness of the farmers. The disinfection should be carried out in each breeding chain. Don't neglect the general idea.
Third, the immunization should pay attention to the selection of high-quality vaccine: farmers should pay attention to the purchase of high-quality vaccines produced by the national designated manufacturers when choosing the immunization vaccine. Do not buy vaccines that are not guaranteed by the manufacturers for cheaper prices, otherwise the cost is low. However, the effect is not good. In addition, before the inoculation, each vaccine bottle should be inspected for damage, tight sealing, vacuum in the bottle and whether it is valid. If it is unqualified, it cannot be used.
4. Pay attention to the rational use of drugs: In order to prevent diseases between chickens, many farmers give their own medicines to prevent diseases, so that not only will there be no preventive effect, but also the resistance of the bacteria in the flocks. The principle of medication is: only preventive drugs can be administered in the susceptible stage of the flock, and the drug should be stopped immediately when the prone period is over. When the flock is sick, the therapeutic dose of the drug is used. Once the condition is controlled, the drug is stopped immediately. Moreover, a drug is replaced once after use for a period of time to avoid drug resistance.
5. Pay attention to controlling the density of chickens in chicken cages: the density of breeding chickens in chicken cages is large, and some farmers are not able to raise chickens in order to increase the density of the chickens, and increase the density. Balance, it will also increase the harmful gases in the air, chickens are easy to infect E. coli, coccidia, etc., and can accelerate the disease epidemic, so the farmers must not greet the appropriate density in the process of raising chickens.


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