Steps to disinfect chickens

Jun 11, 2019
The chicken house is a place where there are many germs and pollutants in the chicken farm. Because the chickens live in the chicken house all year round, the feces, feed, dust, etc. will cause some pathogenic microorganisms in the chicken house, which will seriously affect the health of the chickens. The effective way to eliminate these pathogenic microorganisms is to disinfect, so the chicken disinfection work is a link that farmers can't ignore, so what is the procedure for disinfecting the chicken house? Xiaobian will tell the farmers.
Steps to disinfect chickens
The first step: cleaning: one of the keys to achieving good results in disinfection is the cleaning work before disinfection. It can be cleaned first. The farmers need to clean the chicken manure, chicken cage, ceiling dust and other dirt, mobile equipment. And the utensils have to be moved out of the house, and they must be cleaned and disinfected, or exposed. Dust, feces, litter, feed, feathers, etc. on the ground, walls, ceilings and ancillary facilities of the house shall be cleaned to a disposal site at a certain distance from the flock. In the treatment field, farmers can spray disinfectant properly to prevent the spread of pathogens.
Step 2: Washing: After cleaning the house, the farmer needs to wash it on the basis of cleaning. This is done in order to thoroughly clean the house, to make the disinfectant liquid work well, and to completely Brushing cleans the effect of disinfecting the drug. Therefore, after the soil on the ground is softened by water soaking, it is brushed with a hard brush. If it can be washed with a power spray pump, it is better to wash it with high pressure. If the equipment for the farmer's house is not perfect, the farmer can use the disinfectant to clean and disinfect at the beginning, and then spray the disinfectant around the house to be cleaned.
Step 4: Waiting for drying: After cleaning and washing the house, the farmer must not disinfect immediately. It needs to be left for about 1 day after washing to dry the house. If it is washed immediately, spray the disinfectant solution, so that the drug is disinfected. The concentration will be diluted by the unclean water in the house, affecting the disinfection effect of the disinfectant on the house.
Step 5: Disinfection: After the above three steps are completed, disinfection can be carried out. Xiaobian will introduce the disinfection method: the farmer can use the flame ejector to first carry out the items on the walls, floors and cages of the chicken house. Flame disinfection can kill the remaining feathers in the chicken house and the dirt such as feces, and the effect is better. After that, it can be fumigated and disinfected: the doors and windows and the fan are closed, and the rational drug is prepared according to the instructions, and then fumigation is carried out. Spray disinfectant: Xiaobian here reminds farmers to spray disinfectant drugs from top to bottom, first roof, ceiling, rear wall, fixed facilities, then can be the ground, in order to achieve better The effect, be careful not to miss the occluded part. Note that the disinfectant solution should be prepared according to the instructions and the specified concentration. The corner of the house and the back of the object should be noted. It is advisable to spray 4 ml per square meter of disinfectant solution. After disinfection, it is recommended that farmers can raise chickens for 2 to 3 weeks.

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