Equipment necessary for chicken farms

Jun 06, 2019
If the chicken farm wants to really raise the chicken, it needs to launch a series of equipment. Otherwise, it is difficult for the chicken to really scale up, and it is difficult to form a large-scale effect. So what equipment do you need for some chicken farms? Here to tell you about.
One of the equipment necessary for chicken farms: insulation equipment.
Equipment necessary for chicken farms
Insulation equipment is mainly used for brooding in chicken farms. In addition, in autumn and winter, the temperature is low, and the chickens are prone to some diseases, such as respiratory diseases. At this time, it is very important to keep warm and warm facilities. In general chicken farms, the insulation equipment required is an incubator, a heat preservation lamp, a hot plate, a hot blast stove, a heat preservation board or a roller blind.
The chicken farm must have the second equipment: lighting equipment.
Illumination has a relatively large effect on the laying efficiency of laying hens and the health status and growth status of laying hens. In addition, the basic management of chicken farms also requires matching lighting equipment. Under normal circumstances, chicks from 1 to 6 days old in chicken farms should use high-power bulbs to promote the warmth of the chicks and absorb nutrients in the body. Chicks after 7 days can be exchanged for low-power bulbs; for adult chickens, Use a 15W bulb during the day, use a 40W bulb in the rainy weather or at night.
The chicken farm must have the third equipment: feeding equipment.
Feeding equipment should be said to be the most basic hardware equipment for chicken farms. If a chicken farm does not have basic feeding equipment, then there is no need to exist. For some advanced chicken farms, it is possible to consider the establishment of fully automatic feeding equipment and drinking water equipment in the chicken houses of adult chickens, which can save labor and improve breeding efficiency. For general farms, feeding trays, drums and drinkers are essential. In addition, the chicken cage is the basis of the foundation, so it is certain that there are many manufacturers selling chicken cages on the market. You can choose the chicken cage suitable for your own chicken farm according to the specific methods and varieties of your own farming.
The above gives you a brief introduction to the equipment needed for a chicken farm. If you are already raising chicken and some equipment is still missing, then add it! If you are ready to raise chicken, you can purchase the equipment as described in the article.

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