Basic principles for efficient chicken raising

Jun 11, 2019

In order to obtain good benefits in the process of raising chickens and achieve efficient chicken raising, farmers must master modern and scientific chicken raising techniques, only the growth characteristics of the flocks, feeding points, feeding and epidemic prevention. The work can be reasonably mastered, and the chickens can exert good growth and production performance, so that the farmers can get better benefits. In order to help the farmers to take less detours in the breeding, the following small series will introduce you to several Basic principles and key points for efficient chicken raising.

1. Do a good job in the management of the house: Intensive, large-scale farmers should put the management of the house in an important position, whether it is the management of the house environment or the management of the chickens, including the management of the chicken farm staff. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the core issue of management is coordination. Only management is good, and implementation is less problematic and problem-free.
Basic principles for efficient chicken raising
2, to do a good job in bio-safety: only to ensure the health of the flock can enable the flock to play the proper production performance, so the farmer must keep the health of the flock, the epidemic prevention must be in place, strict disinfection, effective isolation , killing and killing rats, all in and out.
3, to do a good chicken farm immunization: immunization should pay attention to Newcastle disease (at least two immunizations, can also pursue three immunizations), influenza (H9 is necessary to avoid, H5 in the case of serious epidemics I also want to exempt, exempt It must be better than the inconvenience), the transmission should be early (can be sprayed to the 1st day in advance), and the veterinary treasure is more suitable for hatchery immunization. The immune effect is by eye, nose, and subcutaneous injection (the broiler considers the effect of oil seedling on the quality of chicken meat, and does not advocate intramuscular injection), the spray is more reliable, and the drinking water immune loopholes and problems are still many, but many chicken farms are accustomed to drinking water immunity, Figure saves things.
4, do a good job of brooding and humidification: humidification in the early stage of brooding is necessary, with a sprayer, fog line sprayed about 60 degrees of warm water humidification (not due to spray caused by the temperature drop).
5, to do a good job in staff training: Most chicken farms now rely on a lot of chicken equipment to control the environment of the chicken house, help to complete the chicken work, but if the staff is not familiar with the equipment, the operation is not standardized or even the operation error, error If it will seriously affect the control of the chicken house environment and normal feeding and feeding, farmers should overcome it by strengthening on-site training.
6, to do a good job of broiler dehydration: For the users of broiler chicken, the broiler full temperature dehumidification standards must be strictly enforced, from about 1 day 35 degrees to 40 days or so around the 21 degrees, otherwise there is no good Growth rate and feed to meat ratio.
7. It is necessary to do a good job in raising chickens and environmental protection: environmental protection issues must be taken seriously. Waste water, smoke, feces, dead chickens, etc. must be handled in strict accordance with relevant state regulations. Violation of the law will result in the operation risk of chicken farms.
9, to do a good job of standard drugs: standard use of drugs, scientific drugs, less drugs, eliminate drug residues, and implement food safety.

Pre:Steps to disinfect chickens

Next:Key points to improve the efficiency of chicken raising


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