QUNKUN helps you to learn about the water curtain

Jul 20, 2018
QUNKUN helps you to learn about the water curtain

Water curtain is also known as wet curtain and water curtain. It is a honeycomb structure. It is made of raw paper. The production process is probably sizing, drying, pressing corrugated, shaping, gluing, solidifying, slicing, grinding, deodorizing and so on. Usually there are three kinds of wave heights of 5mm, 7mm and 9mm, the corrugation is 60°×30° staggered opposite, 45°×45° staggered opposite symbol high quality wet curtain adopts a new generation of polymer materials and space cross-linking technology to form a symbol with high Water absorption, high water resistance, mildew resistance, long service life, etc.

The evaporation is larger than the surface, the cooling efficiency is over 80%, the symbol does not contain surfactant, the natural water absorption, the diffusion speed is fast, the performance lasting symbol is a drop of water for 4~5 seconds to spread. The symbol is the same international industry standard natural water absorption is 60~70mm /5min or 200mm/1.5hour symbol quality wet curtain is non-toxic and harmless to the human body, green, safe, energy-saving, environmentally friendly, economical)

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