Different forms of chicken houses with different equipment

Aug 13, 2019
First of all, the chicken house is usually divided into six types according to the age of the chicken, which are followed by the surrounding chicken house, breeding house, broiler house, breeding house, egg house, and broiler house. We have to equip different sizes of broiler cage equipment in different styles.
Different forms of chicken houses with different equipment
Because of the different styles of chicken houses and different types of chickens, the configuration of the cages is different. Common can be divided into: flat chicken cage, half-step chicken cage, stepped chicken cage, mixed chicken cage, stacked chicken cage and high bed chicken cage and so on.
Specifically, the flat chicken cage is more suitable for raising the reserve chicken and the laying hen, so that the two rows of chicken cages can share a set of feeding, collecting eggs and drinking water equipment, and the ventilation is good. The internal meteorological conditions are different, except for the feces. However, the density of this kind of support will be low, and in the event of power outages and machine problems, there is no need to replace people with work.
Half-step chicken cages and stepped chicken cages are suitable for raising laying hens. The ventilation and hygienic conditions between the cages are better than those of the cages, but the density of the stocks in the houses is still not as good as that of the stacked cages.

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