Reasons for raising shell eggs in the layer cage

Jan 08, 2019
In order to obtain higher benefits, the laying hens are now using the laying hen cage method to raise the laying hens, increase the number of breeding and increase the yield of the eggs, but the light yield can not improve the quality of the eggs. The benefits of laying hens are a common phenomenon.
Calcium deficiency: We all know that the production of laying hens requires a lot of calcium to form the eggshell and the need to replenish the body. If the farmer gives the laying hens a calcium deficiency, it will produce thin shell eggs or soft eggs.
Phosphorus deficiency: In feed nutrition, phosphorus plays an important role in the formation of chicken bones, eggshells and somatic cells, as well as the use of carbohydrates, fats and calcium. In particular, the growth and production of laying hens requires more phosphorus.

, lack of vitamin D: even if the farmer's feed calcium and phosphorus is sufficient and reasonable, but the lack of vitamin D will also cause calcium, phosphorus absorption and metabolism disorders, resulting in small eggs, deformed, thin shell and soft shell , egg production and hatching rate decreased.
In addition to these, the choice of layer cage is also very important, if you need layer cage or consult, please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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