Feeding Knowledge
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  • What are the issues to consider when raising chickens?

    Jan 07, 2019
    Now the chicken industry is vigorously promoting intensive and large-scale farming models. Chicken cage equipment is the basic equipment for intensive farming, so many farmers are transforming to raise chickens in chicken cages. Before using the chicken cages,farmers have to consider many aspects and cannot blindly carry out
    1. Selection of chicken cage equipment: Chicken cage equipment is different according to different chicken breeds. Chicken cage equipment is divided into three types: egg cage, broiler cage and brooding cage. Farmers need to choose suitable cages and the specifications of the cages according to their own chicken breeds. In addition, you can find more manufacturers to consult when you choose, do not pursue cheap, need to consider high quality and low price equipment, the quality of the chicken cage is related to life of using.
    2, Raising chicken technology: reasonable and scientific raising chicken technology is the key to success, only to learn the scientific raising chicken technology and feeding management issues ,and you could do better for raising chickens, different chickens in different stages of growth, The need for feeding management knowledge is different, so farmers must work hard on chicken raising techniques. Before raising chickens, it is necessary to learn and understand the common epidemic diseases of raising chicken breeds, feeds management at various stages, and what feeds and nutrition are needed etc.
     If you have an idea or need to buy a layer cage, please contact us.

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