Feeding Knowledge
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  • Email:info@chinachickencage.com
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  • Address:​Weimin East Street, No.69-70 The Filter Industrial Park of Anping County, HeBei,China 053600
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  • The essential characteristics of the layer cage

    Jan 09, 2019
    Laminated egg cages are a widely used cage in the laying hen culture industry. The use of cascading egg cages for raising chickens can increase the number of chickens raised per unit area and improve the laying performance of laying hens.
    The layered egg cage has high strength and good toughness, and is not prone to deformation during use. As the size of the laying hen increases, the chicken cage will not be deformed, which is more conducive to raising the chickens.
    The bottom layer of the layered egg cage is a certain distance from the ground, so that the chickens do not agree to contact with the feces, thus effectively reducing the incidence of disease in the flock.

    One of the biggest advantages is that when farmers use cascading egg cages to raise chickens, they can formulate complete sets of automated farming equipment for breeding, so as to ensure the uniformity of the diet of the chickens on the one hand, and the chicken houses on the other hand. The internal feces are cleaned up, reducing the pollution of the house environment and creating good conditions for the healthy growth of the flock.
    If you have an idea to buy or consult a layer cage, please contact us.

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