The reason for the continuous decline in egg production

Jul 12, 2019
In the use of many farmers, the egg production rate of chickens is very unstable, and a sudden drop in the egg production rate will bring a lot of economic losses to farmers. There are many reasons for the decline in egg production.
1. Diseases
The reason for the continuous decline in egg production
Chickens infected epidemic causes after egg production ran down, in case of egg drop syndrome affects, the chickens in cages often do not have a significant clinical symptoms, mainly to produce eggs fell sharply and thin shell, misshapen eggs and brown eggs, rate decline range is usually about 10%, serious reaches about 50%. Other viral diseases, such as malik's disease, infectious encephalomyelitis, chicken pox, lymphoblastic leukemia, avian influenza, and various bacterial diseases, mold bodies, and parasitic diseases can cause reduced yields.
To virus sex disease, prevent is crucial. Perfect biosafety system should be set up, reasonable immunization procedure should be established according to local epidemic situation, corresponding immune detection mechanism should be set up, and correct and timely prevention should be based on the antibody level of chickens. Come on, in addition to emergency vaccination, also should be added in the diet nutrient drugs, to help the chicken body quickly recover health. The prevention and control of bacterial diseases should focus on purification, sanitation and disinfection, diagnosis and treatment of the disease after the onset of symptoms, treatment for the cause, can greatly reduce the loss.
2. Feed
Protein energy share imbalance, often replace the feed material varieties, use poor feed such as: feed in a high proportion of cottonseed cake; Suddenly replace raw bean cakes with cooked bean cakes; Imported fish meal Russia to replace domestic fish meal using false soybean meal, poor quality fish meal, false amino acid, etc., will make the nutrient composition of the feed have a great change or make the palatability of the feed worse, leading to the decline of chicken eggs.
Moldy transformation of feed or placed time too long encounter rainy weather, material or feed in the transportation or storage process, easy to get wet or moisture agglomerate, mildew. Other, feed processing after all have a certain shelf life, if the feed placed time too long, especially in the summer high temperature and high humidity season, a variety of vitamins are easy to feed decomposition failure, together with other materials are also prone to mildew, so inevitably affect the quality of feed, and then lead to the occurrence of disease.
3. Breeding management
Lack of feed although some customers add standard feed amount when feeding, but because they do not take into account feed energy level, environmental changes, the size of the chicken flock at the start of production, often resulting in lack of feed amount supply. Some measure because of man-made reason business accounting or weigh makings to lack error, also can cause little feed. Other, old and new workers exchange or a feed too much, too full, so that feed waste more, can cause the lack of feed intake, egg production decreased.
Lack of water supply when the power failure, farmers forget to open the drinking water valve; Water pressure, not water supply; Blockages on waterlines and other causes of abnormal water supply can all cause varying degrees of egg production decline, especially during hot summer days.
Temperature change the appropriate temperature for laying hens is 10-25 degrees. Temperature is too low, especially in early winter, cold wave to sudden, chicken flock by cool wind caused by molting, and then production. High temperature, especially in hot summer, causes the chicken to eat sharply, the nutrient does not reach the demand, causes the egg production to drop. In addition, the temperature difference within a day should not exceed 8 degrees, or it will affect the production of chickens.

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