How to prevent excessive breeding of chicken equipment

Jul 12, 2019
In the use of the process, the breeding industry in recent years is still good, but the flower is not unbeaten, the chicken industry is unlikely to have been such as the day, in the case of bad chicken prices, how to ensure that the farmers do not cause losses?
Many people in the industry to find a variety of reasons and reasons for this period of decline in the market, said most of the right but most are formulaic, the so-called formulaic is known to everyone, feed prices rise, veterinary drugs rise, breeding costs increase, breeding personnel increase, control is increasingly strict, policy is increasingly strict, environmental protection and so on. These reasons are actually pointed at one place is overcapacity, overcapacity is a word that many people have heard used a lot in steel, coal and other industries, they have not heard of chicken cages and there is overcapacity, it is true.
How to prevent excessive breeding of chicken equipment
There are too many people and too many chickens, and the market can't digest them. We always hear the word "enough is enough", and once we hear it, it means that consumers are much less likely to consume the item twice or even three times during this period. In recent years, the number of nationwide entrepreneurial breeding surged, not only in the performance of raising chickens, pigs, cattle is also. As if all of a sudden enlightened, want to rich breeding first. Not to mention other villages, when I went home, we raise a lot of chickens and pigs and cattle village, ask a lot of situations are the first time to raise, cattle also say a little, chicken is not very good, all kinds of problems emerge in endlessly, chicken farm health is not done well, not less dead chicken in winter. Getting rich is good, and everyone thinks, who doesn't want to earn more money and live a better life? But blindly follow the wind, do not know to pretend to know, such breeding you feel can make money?
Raising chickens requires more attention than raising pigs or cows. If a detail is not well handled, it will cause a lot of problems. Blind breeding will only cause unnecessary losses. This phenomenon is not a separate, from the point of view, each province is basically the same, big cities have been said that the shortage of labor shortage, not white collar less, less is the bottom line to do the real work of the people, this part of the people are doing what to go? Right, a lot of stay in big city a few years to see the city outside, listen to the relatives and friends around say, in the mind ponder over a bang table raise. Did not do market research, no one to help, began to breed, you say it is ok?

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