What do you need to pay attention to when raising chicken?

Nov 28, 2018
It is not easy to raise chickens. You need to learn about a considerable part of the technology so that you can improve the survival rate of chickens, greatly increase the rate of laying eggs, when you prepare a chicken house for chickens, if should be ventilated and spacious. If it is too crowded, it will easily cause the air in the chicken house to not circulate, The chicken is prone to illness, and the house should be cleaned regularly. Do not pile up the chicken manure for too long, if not, it will create a breeding environment for bacteria and viruses. The choice of layer cages is also Very particular attention, the selection of the cage,
What do you need to pay attention to when raising chicken?

What do you need to pay attention to when raising chicken?
will greatly reduce the labor force of the farmers, for these chickens, better management, saving manpower and material resources, if you want to know the chicken experience, please continue to pay attention to our website.

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