What equipment is needed for laying hens?

Oct 22, 2019
With the continuous development and progress of the aquaculture industry, the breeding of laying hens is no longer the era of full artificial breeding. The emergence of various types of mechanized chicken raising equipment has enabled the large number of laying hens to achieve scale and intensive cultivation. Chicken mode, using equipment to raise chickens also allows farmers to feel the high efficiency of raising chickens, so what equipment is needed for laying hens? Let's take a look at the farmers.
1. Egg cage: In order to make full use of the area of ​​the farmer's house and increase the number of chickens, most of the current farmers have already turned into laying hens to raise the laying hens. The laying hens are multi-layered. The area of ​​the upper layer of the egg cage is fully utilized, so that the number of chickens is increased by three or four times than that of the previous ones, and the chicken cage method is more convenient for the management of the chickens.
What equipment is needed for laying hens?
2, the defecation equipment: the chicken house cleaning work is a headache for the farmers, clearing the waste is time-consuming and laborious, if not cleaned up in time, the chicken house will produce harmful gases, affecting the health of the flock, so the defecation equipment is One of the indispensable equipments in many farms, the continuous improvement of the manure removal machine and the unmanned management can be realized, the time is automatically cleared, the time is set arbitrarily, the temporary defecation is moved, the operation is simple and quick, and the chicken manure is scraped with the manure. When the machine runs to the end and falls into the septic belt and is sent to the pull truck, it can improve the environment inside the house and reduce the occurrence of diseases.
3, feeding equipment: There are many kinds of feeding equipment, such as manual feeding cart, bucket feeding machine, driving feeder, but generally large chicken farms will be equipped with automatic feeding equipment, which can realize automatic feeding. The feeding machine can directly feed the material, safe, convenient, energy-saving, no noise, and the chicken reaction is small. The feeding machine can realize the feeding of 10,000 chickens in 40 minutes, which is very convenient.
4. Ventilation and cooling equipment: Fans and wet curtain equipment are two kinds of equipment used to ventilate and cool down the chicken house. Reasonable ventilation work can remove some harmful gases from the chicken house and provide a comfortable growth environment for the chickens. In the summer, the use of a fan with a wet curtain device can cool the house and allow the house to grow at a comfortable temperature during the hot summer months.
5, quail egg machine: is the equipment used to collect eggs, suitable for laying hen farms, artificial quail eggs need to collect everywhere, not only time-consuming, low efficiency, with egg-collecting machine can collect all the eggs in one place It is convenient for the farmers to handle and improve efficiency.
6, water supply equipment: water is an indispensable substance for every chicken, so no matter what type of chicken farms need drinking water equipment, drinking water equipment is divided into many types, nipples, cups, towers, troughs, etc. The nipple drinker is an ideal water supply device for consideration of water conservation and prevention of bacterial contamination.
7, lighting equipment: reasonable scientific lighting is conducive to the growth and production of chickens, so the average farmers will buy lighting equipment, the domestic common use of ordinary light bulbs for lighting, the development trend is to use energy-saving lamps. Many chicken farms install time-controlled automatic switches instead of manual switches to ensure accurate and reliable illumination time.
The above seven kinds of equipment are what equipment is needed for the breeding of the chickens. These kinds of equipments are more common and often used. The farmers can choose the laying hens according to their own chicken size and actual conditions. Chicken equipment can improve the efficiency of raising chickens and increase the efficiency of raising chickens.

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