Chicken cage chicken prevention program

Oct 22, 2019
In the process of raising chickens in chicken cages, in order to better develop the growth and production performance of the chickens, in addition to the nutritional balance and environmental management, disease prevention is very important, especially for Infectious diseases, once the chickens appear will be seriously affected, the current immunization is an effective means of preventing diseases, there are many ways to immunize, the following small series to tell the farmers about several ways to prevent chickens .
1. The first method is the immunoinjection method: the average farmer will choose to use the subcutaneous injection in the neck. If the farmer uses the wings of the chest muscles, it is easy to inject the parts, and then the nerves, blood vessels and bones will be stabbed. In serious cases, death will occur, which will affect the economic benefits of the farmers.
Chicken cage chicken prevention program
2. The second method is the immunization aerosol method: use this method for immunization. After the vaccine is diluted, the chicken is sprayed with a special sprayer, so that the chicken can be sucked into the vaccine while breathing, thereby achieving the purpose of immunization. Although the method saves manpower, it is easy to cause poisoning. Therefore, farmers need to be cautious.
4, the fourth method is the immunization drinking water method: drinking water immunization is the immune method used by many farmers. The use of drinking water is based on the number of chickens, the vaccine is mixed into a certain amount of distilled water or cool white water, and consumed in a short time. An immune method.
The above is a small number of common methods used by farmers to raise chickens during chicken cages. It is also a common method used by farmers during immunization. Different methods for infectious diseases are suitable. Different, so farmers need to develop reasonable immunization methods and procedures according to the diseases they prevent, in order to achieve good results, reduce or avoid the occurrence of diseases.

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