Basic principles for raising chickens in laying cages

Oct 18, 2019
1. Do a good job in the chicken house: Intensive, large-scale farmers should put the handling of the chicken house in an important position, whether it is the handling of the chicken house environment or the handling of the chicken group, including the handling of the chicken farm staff. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the core issue of handling is coordination. As long as it is handled well, there will be fewer problems and no problems in fulfillment.
2, to do a good job in bio-safety: as long as the health of the flock can ensure that the flock can play its proper production function, so the farmer must be healthy in the process of breeding, epidemic prevention must be in place, severe disinfection, effective isolation , killing and killing rats, all in and out.
Basic principles for raising chickens in laying cages
3, do a good job of brooding and humidification: humidification in the early stage of brooding is a must.

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