Broiler cages need to be constantly changing positions

Aug 13, 2019
Why should broiler cages be constantly changed?
Broiler cages need to master a lot of techniques. For example, the position of the broiler cage needs to be changed constantly. Why is this? How to change the position? In the principle of changing the position without changing the cage, change the chicken cage to one every 15 days to 20 days. the new location, when exchange, cages direction consistent with the original.
Broiler cages need to be constantly changing positions
Regular rotation of the cage can keep the cages dry and clean, and the bottom of the cage is not wet and dirty, reducing the invasion of pests and diseases, especially for the prevention of coccidiosis and rickets. Frequent exchange of cage positions can adapt rabbits to different "microclimates" and enhance the ability of chickens to adapt to external conditions, which can make the chickens healthy and firm, improve disease resistance and reduce the incidence. Seasonal swap cages position, can give chickens create a good external environment is extremely favorable for the growth and development of chickens. After each rotation of the cage position, it is necessary to carefully remove the manure and dirt from the original site, preferably with straw and wheat straw.
Regular rotation of the broiler cage can maintain a good environment for the chicken, which is conducive to improving the growth efficiency, but the time and method need to be mastered!

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