Chinese manufacturer's introduction to chicken cage

Aug 02, 2019
In recent years, the development speed of the chicken cage wholesale industry has slowed down compared with the past, but it still can't stop many investors' pursuit of the big "cake" of the chicken cage wholesale industry.
The most important part of the whole chicken equipment is the chicken cage. Now let's introduce several common chicken cages:
Chinese manufacturer
1. Chicken cage equipment can be divided into: full-step, half-step, multi-layer, composite and flat;
2, according to geometric size can be divided into: deep cage and shallow cage;
3, according to the type of chicken is divided into: egg cage, broiler cage and breeder cage;
4, according to the weight of the chicken is divided into: light egg cage, medium egg cage and broiler cage.

Pre:How does broiler cages promote healthy growth of chickens?

Next:Cleaning and disinfection of broiler cages


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