How does broiler cages promote healthy growth of chickens?

Aug 02, 2019
How to use to promote the healthy growth of chickens, equipment must be well ventilated during use. So how does the equipment ventilate and how to ventilate it more effectively? How much do you know?
How does broiler cages promote healthy growth of chickens?
Chickens are cultured in equipment and are active due to their metabolism, whether in excretion or in respiratory activities. In particular, the composition of chicken manure is easily decomposed and fermented in the summer when the temperature is relatively high, and harmful gases such as scheduled and hydrogen sulfide are generated. If these harmful gases are suffocated in the equipment, it is easy to cause chicken diseases, resulting in inflammation of the eyes of the chickens and loss of appetite. Therefore, in the breeding process, it is necessary to ventilate the chicken equipment. In the sunny and breezy weather, open the doors and windows to ventilate, and be careful not to ventilate in foggy weather. In addition, in the winter, do not burn coal in the chicken house for the purpose of heat preservation, do not diligently open the window.
In summary, ventilation is required both in good weather and in winter.

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