How to choose spray plastic cage

Jun 29, 2019
In modern society, chicken farming is still a big project in the poultry industry. As an integral part of agriculture and a leading industry, more and more people are investing in the aquaculture industry. It is worth noting that traditional artificial chickens are busy and late, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the output value is limited. However, with the help of automated chicken equipment, it is easy and efficient, and the traditionalization and modernization form a huge contrast. So how can we quickly open the market with modern chicken equipment? In the winter, the sunshine time is short and the solar radiation intensity is small. The artificial light should be supplemented to increase the egg production. Chickens need long days of sunshine for laying eggs, so they are exposed to light for 10 hours a day from 19 weeks of age, and then increased by half an hour every week to 31 weeks of age for 16 hours, and then kept. Therefore, the light in the chicken house should not be less than 10 dikes, and 20 is suitable near the feeding trough. The adjustable transformer can be set to make the electric lamp have a process of gradually brightening and dimming when the switch is turned on. It is also possible to install a time switch (copper timing switch clock), and adjust the time of the early opening and closing time to automatically control, which makes the management more convenient.
How to choose spray plastic cage
Barrel: The chicken after two weeks of age uses a barrel, which has a suspended invincible cloud copper and a shallow disc with a diameter slightly larger than the same. The barrel and the disc are connected by a short chain, and the barrel can be adjusted. The distance between the plate and the disc, the storage of more feed in the cylinder can be automatically popularized by the gap between the lower edge of the tune and the chassis. The chassis is supplied with the barrel currently on the market, which has 4-10 kg. A variety of specifications, suitable for ground level or online flattening, in use, the barrel increases the height of the suspension as the age of the chicken grows. Generally, the height of the upper edge of the drum disc is equal to the height of the shoulder when the chicken is standing. 3. Food trough. It is usually made of wood, galvanized and hard plastic. Both cages and flats can be bent inside to prevent chickens from feeding and damaging the feed. In order to prevent the chicken from stepping into the tank to soil the feed, a rotating wooden stick can be placed in the slot. 4. Chain automatic feeder. The feed consists of the trough, the tank, the drive, the splicing angler, the dust collector trough support, etc., and the feed is transported from the tank by the chain to the feed trough, and the required slot of each chicken is 10 to 12 cm. Feeding up to a maximum length of 300 meters. Reliable work, good performance in maintenance, can be used for flat feeding. 5. Driving automatic feeder. It is a feeding vehicle that rides over a chicken cage and is mainly used to cage chicken houses. Walking slowly along the track on the chicken cage, the feed in the bin is distributed to each stone trough. According to the configuration of the bin, it can be divided into a top box type and a cross box type, and the top box type feeder has only one. The bucket has a stirrer at the bottom of the bucket. When the feeder is working, the water dragon pushes the feed into the corresponding six-tube uniform flow into the stone trough, and the cross-cage incense feeder is arranged according to the chicken cage form, and each row of the troughs is arranged with a rectangular small bin. The conical flat opening in the lower part of the tank leads into the stone trough. When it rotates along the chicken cage, the feed falls into the trough along the cone.
The small stacking egg cage of the sprayed chicken cage has reasonable structure, firm material, time and labor saving, and frees the farmers from heavy labor. The egg cage is cold-galvanized, with a service life of 15 years under good ventilation and hot-dip galvanizing for more than 20 years.

Pre:Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage

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