Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage

Jun 29, 2019
Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage (belt clearing, automatic feeding) manufacturers to find where to find the right
Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage (belt clearing, automatic feeding) automatic chicken raising equipment to promote the dividend period of the chicken era: "Towards a new era of ecological civilization. Now there are enterprises sending technical handlers to qualified farms Exporting its sophisticated farming technology and product specifications, and classifying the collaboration field into the national logistics and implementation system. This move not only expands the brand influence and voice, but also ties the local government and capital to form a consortium. Expand the distance.
Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage
Convenient management: Modern chicken farms can effectively control the environment, and are not easily affected by external adverse factors (high temperature, high cold, strong wind, heavy rain), so that the flocks grow healthily and develop in a stable environment, have anti-risk ability, and raise chickens. The field adopts closed feeding management, which is conducive to disease control and drug residue control. In the end, the quality of the broiler chickens is good, which is conducive to the health of consumers.
Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage (belt clearing, automatic feeding) modern chicken farm chicken equipment program: automatic manure treatment. The installation of automated chicken equipment and decontaminator can carry out mechanical decontamination without manual labor. Automated feeding and feeding. Install automatic chicken equipment to raise chicken water line and broiler feed line. It can achieve automatic and uniform water feeding and feeding work. Air conditioning. The installation of chicken equipment fans can automatically adjust the air quality and reduce air pollution to damage the flock. Heating system. The installation of a hot air blower for raising chicken equipment can prevent sudden changes in temperature and cause a large number of deaths of chickens.
Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage (belt clearing and automatic feeding) Advantages of modern chicken farm: saving resources: Modern chicken raising can save land and save labor resources due to high automation. At the same time, according to the broiler production requirements, according to the growth and development rules of broilers, the broilers can be provided with good environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, light, ventilation) to ensure the healthy growth of the chickens. Convenient management: Modern chicken farms can effectively control the environment, and are not easily affected by external adverse factors (high temperature, high cold, strong wind, heavy rain), so that the flocks grow healthily and develop in a stable environment, have anti-risk ability, and raise chickens. The field adopts closed feeding management, which is conducive to disease control and drug residue control. In the end, the quality of the broiler chickens is good, which is conducive to the health of consumers.
Spray-type stepped four-layer brooding cage (belt clearing, automatic feeding) What are the necessary equipments for modern chicken farms: drinking water equipment: from the perspective of water conservation and prevention of bacterial contamination, nipple drinkers are the most ideal water supply equipment Must choose a high quality watertight drinker. Nowadays, the most common type of chicken and laying hens is the V-shaped water tank, which is often supplied with water, but it takes time to brush the sink every day. A flat-type automatic drinking fountain can be used during brooding, which is both hygienic and water-saving. Feeding equipment: cages for chickens are used in the trough. This feeding method can also be used when raising brooding. The shape of the trough has a great influence on the throwing of the feed of the chicken. The trough is too shallow and there is no edge protection. Cause more feed waste. Cleaning equipment: It is mainly composed of hanging manure board, steel wire rope and geared motor. It is generally used in one belt and two.

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