What will the price of the laying chicken cage change?

Jun 14, 2019
The price of the laying chicken cage will change, will it be different from the season, and the quotation will change with it? To understand this question, we have to understand what factors affect the change of the quotation, will it follow? The timing of the changes, the quotations fluctuate.
What will the price of the laying chicken cage change?
There are two elements, comparing the quotations of the resolution, one is the information used, and the other is the labor cost. In terms of data, it is usually made of steel. Steel will usually have a certain shake on the quotation. This is also a major reason for the impact of quotation. When the price of steel is high, the quotation will follow, and when the price of steel falls, the quotation will follow. The information fell back. Another major factor is the artificial aspect. The production process is complicated and the labor costs used are much more contrasted. Now inflation and labor costs are getting higher and higher, so the quotation will also rise.
Of course, there are many factors that affect the quotation. Not only the above two points, but also the resolution, it will follow the demand, the chicken market and so on. So in general, it may be shaken in a short period of time, but the overall time will be higher and higher.

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