Chicken cage manufacturers talk about how to prevent chickens

Jun 11, 2019
In the process of breeding laying hens, the management of disease prevention is a task that requires special attention from farmers, because the disease will seriously affect the health of the flock and the economic benefits of the farmers, and the disease will increase the cost of treatment if the flock is sick. The production performance of sick chickens will also be like healthy chickens, so how should farmers prevent disease during the breeding process?
Chicken cage manufacturers talk about how to prevent chickens
First, create a comfortable growing environment: If the farmer's house is poor in environment and there are many sources of pollution, the pathogenic microorganisms will multiply and seriously affect the health of the flock, so the environmental hygiene of the farmers keeping the house is also decreasing. Pathogenic microorganisms are the key to reducing the incidence of diseases, so it is recommended that farmers should clean the house.
Second, diligent disinfection: an effective method to kill pathogenic microorganisms is disinfection, so in the process of raising chickens, farmers must do a good job in the disinfection of chicken houses, there are many ways to disinfect, but different disinfection methods to kill Bacteria are different, so farmers can not only use one disinfection method, can achieve a thorough effect after multiple uses, and also choose a variety of choices when disinfecting drugs to avoid bacterial resistance.
Third, do a good job in drug prevention: some infectious diseases Most farmers use vaccines to achieve the purpose of prevention, and most bacterial diseases rely on the regular delivery of drugs to achieve the purpose of prevention. The bacterial diseases and parasitic diseases popular in spring mainly include colibacillosis, salmonellosis, chronic respiratory diseases, coccidiosis, etc., and most of these diseases have a great relationship with age and environmental changes, which requires different The situation to develop different medication prevention procedures.
Fourth, do a good job of immunization: infectious diseases are more serious to the health of the flock, and once the chickens are ill, they may be transmitted to the flocks of the whole house, and the losses are heavy. The current effective way to prevent infectious diseases is Immunization of chickens, so the farmer must do a good job of vaccination in the process of raising chickens. According to the epidemic situation in the area and the actual situation of the chicken house, a reasonable immunization program and immunization method should be established. The key to how to prevent disease.

Pre:chicken prevention program

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