Keep the chicken in a bird cage as a pet

Jun 06, 2019
Many people like to raise birds as pets at home, but each has its own merits. In some people's eyes, cocks are actually no worse than birds.
Strictly speaking, chickens and birds should be the same species. Look at the chicken raised by this friend on the balcony. When the chicken is young, it is not much different from the bird. The bird cage is quite cute.
Keep the chicken in a bird cage as a pet
Just raise chickens and pay attention to vaccination, pay attention to cold and anti-freeze, can not always be placed on the balcony, raise a few more they will gather together to warm, but one or two should pay attention, otherwise it is inevitable to freeze to death.
When the cock grows up, it is necessary to change the big cage. Because the chicken is relatively large, only one bird cage can only raise one.
Look at this chicken in the cage is not worse than the bird, although very wrong, but good food and clothing, but also live in a single room. Occasionally, I can release the yo-yo.

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